Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Night at Jessica's


So on my last post I told you guys about Jessica's plan to make our Friday Wine Nights cheaper by eliminating the wine bar until the economy gets better. Well we held the first one at her place and it was big success.

She is about a 20 minute walk from my place but in the two years that I've known her I've actually never been. She has a cozy place with a great view. I'm glad we had it there. Besides I'm a stereo-typical guy when it comes to home furnishings and I do leave stuff on the floor. I won't show you any pictures, just take my word for it.

Gary joined us and it ended up being a really fun night. Jess made enough food for 10 people, two large home made pizzas with mushrooms, bbq chicken and other good stuff. We polished off...well that's better left unsaid, ya'll will think we are such lushes. I'm up next, don't know what to make yet but it will probably be back in her pad since my oven doesn't work. I need something inexpensive and simple, the underlying theme and challenge for the new Friday Wine Nights. Inexpensive wine + inexpensive good food = good times on the cheap. We are also looking to get more friends from the neighborhood to join in.

Still thinking about what I can make. Suggestions are welcome. Enjoy the pictures.

Our dinner, about to go into the oven

The view outside

Jess' Ironman Coeur d'Alene finishers medal and a picture of her finishing

Organic wine

Gary and the wine that he brought

Spanish organic

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Red Red Wine

I'm on super saver mode. What with the lack of work and the current economy. I've been eating out less and cooking at home more. Don't get excited, my cooking is not that great. So how lucky was I that my two wine buddies treated me to some wine this past weekend. On Friday Jessica and I met at our favorite wine bar, originally called The Wine Bar. It might be our last for awhile. She already had this well thought out plan to move our Friday Night Wine shindigs into our homes and invite more people. Her master plan; inexpensive wine + simple home made food + home setting + at least 2 more people = fun and cheap. We refined the plan and it's a go. Sorry Wine Bar, we are simply taking a break to save the relationship.

Then on Saturday my other wine enthusiast friend, the person who introduced me to red wine, and now movie buddy, Tanya, treated me to a few glasses after a long and moody film - Watchmen. Boy was that film dark, no wonder my friend Eric was depressed afterwards. It took two glasses before we finally moved on to funnier, happier topics and then we were just simply happy:)

I was blessed to have good wine with two of my great friends - perfect. Hopefully in a couple of years the only thing red is my wine and not the economy.

Phone Shot: Jessica at the Wine Bar
Jess loving our bottle.

Phone Shot: Tanya at Plouf
With Tanya.